It's just who we are, It's our reality.
Photo credit: Google images How difficult it is to really explain the human condition. So many exist with the utmost goal of being happy, and I sometimes wonder, how they plan to be happy everyday. Especially when they spend every second of their hours awake being conscious of things that were really better left in unconsciousness. While most spend their days chasing that idea in their head that just keeps making them feel driven, like there really is a purpose for their acquisition of qualifications instituted by people like themselves who call themselves the government. Photo credit: Google images Twenty-four hours daily, it never changes. Not for goats nor for cats. Horses, not even for man, the greatest animal of them all. Living in an empty world with nothing really worth possessing but a human soul. Still multitudes of those who possess a human soul, roam endlessly from dawn to dusk with the idea in their head that they need to possess more of money than a...