Too much sauce.
Photo credit: Google images |
Body like an angel, though nobody's ever seen one, not really. But if there was a picture of what an angel should look like, then she is the vision.
Too much sauce, I tell you. The way she carries herself as she walks around and her smile and her scent. Her voice, her beautiful shape, her being. A total bang to the nervous system which produces the best feelings.
Too much sauce.
Photo credit: Google images |
Swagger of a millionaire, gold chains so long they reach the waist bands. Rolex's and gold pinky rings. Three piece suits and limousines.
Too much juice.
Famous around the globe, ladies especially go crazy just at the sight of all the swagga. Gold teeth, dollar bills, bikini parties at private beaches.
Too much sauce.
Photo credit: Google images |
Great lifestyle, great bank account statements and beautiful things just waiting to be acquired.
Great tastes, great company and multiple business deals waiting to be sealed to bring in more money and more of that great lifestyle.
Beautiful world, too much sauce.
Photo credit: Google images |
And at this time we've got Ycee featuring Maleek Berry in this song he titled "juice".
Here's your link to download.
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