If i die, the show must go on!!!

Photo credit: Google images
Just before I went to bed yesterday, I went on a walk under the drizzle of rain with a little girl for company. And as we paused to get drinks from a vendor the melody of Dagrin's last single before his death which he titled "if I die" filled the air as the radio's DJ switched over to entertain his listeners with music.

Photo credit: Google images
And as I was surfing for new tunes to download, I came across Celine Dion's latest single featuring Lindsey Sterling and titled "the show must go on". I hadn't even heard the song but the title made me reflect. "The show really does go on after one departs". The only change is the absence of the departed.

Photo credit: Google images

So in remembrance, we share a link for you to download and enjoy "Dagrin's last single" "If I die".

Also we've got a link for you to download Celine Dion's latest single featuring Lindsey Sterling and titled "The show must go on". Enjoy!



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