God Must Feel No Pain.

Photo credit: Google images Sometimes I think pain is just a lack of understanding, if we could only understand it all, would we feel no pain? God must feel no pain. Only joy, does this mean even our suffering pleases him?... Who knows anything? Who can say for certain why any thing happens at all? Life can be so much pain. So much sacrifice and strive, choosing between the options which outcomes can never certainly be predicted. Problems are fun, a mathematician may say while finding the solution to an interesting equation. It's insane what can happen in one day. Something's got a hold on me, sometimes I wish for understanding for me and for the people I'm destined to converse with in the course of breathing. Sometimes I think God must love watching his world and all the craziness it contains. Sometimes, I just don't think at all. I observe my immediate surrounding, the smiles and laughter mean a lot more now and even pain brings it own kind of...