Pray for my enemies.

Photo credit: Google images Over the waters, and covered in darkness. Created out of nothing, in the east eternity lies wait in the middle of a garden. My worries are not for myself. I do not fear for the lights have never changed, hanging in the vaults of the sky they witness the changing of time. Pray for my enemies, for they know not why they set forth toward me the ills of their heart. They turn to despise me for the wrongs that they suffer. Sometimes I have incurred their hate and have provoked it and other times I have been innocent. Pray that they are affected positively by thoughts of me, that the evil they wish for me, be terminated from their heart. Photo credit: Google images Guide and protect me from their hand of wrath, that when they shall be vexed and strike out at me, your mighty shield will prevent the strength of their blow from crushing my bones. Make them tire of their spite towards me, and create a day when they will extend a hand of friendship...